5 Hechos Fácil Sobre marc anthony y nadia ferreira son pareja Descritos

5 Hechos Fácil Sobre marc anthony y nadia ferreira son pareja Descritos

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Fernando Martín y las pegatinas: "Estamos a punto de no entrar en casa por la cantidad de pegatinas que hay"

Ambos se conocieron en el 2016, pero no fue sino hasta inicios del 2022 que hicieron clic cuando el salsero coincidió con la exreina de belleza en un evento de su fundación citación Preceptor Cares.

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"The one regret would be that what I chose to do took so much of my time," he shared. "What I would have done to have been a stay-at-home dad, and you know, witnessed every second of everything. I would have loved that. Didn't work pasado that way."

Now parents to little ‘Marquitos,’ the singer and the model celebrated their first wedding anniversary in grand style and shared glimpses of their festivities on social media.

Their love for others and constant selflessness makes me so proud to be their dad, and I know those traits come directly from everyone who is part of their life. Thank you Dad, for being you, and thank you to my three amazing kids, for giving me the pleasure of being your Dad."

Gracias a estas redes sociales hemos podido saber que Conquista Beckham ha sido la encargada de los vestidos de las damas de honor, pues fue la propia novia quien comentó la última publicación de la diseñadora agradeciéndole los vestidos.

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La AEMET pone en alerta por lluvias y fuertes tormentas a estas zonas y avisa de un letra drástico del tiempo

He continued, "It's the one thing that just tugs at me going and — that's the biggest sacrifice. And you start to wonder was it all worth it. Was it worth it? You edad de marc anthony y nadia ferreira know, on that level."

Aquella noche del 28 de enero Ferreira y Anthony echaron la casa por la ventana, no obstante que no escatimaron para tener una Shakira evento exclusivo boda digna de un explicación de hadas.

Conquista Beckham also attended the wedding, and dedicated a special Instagram post to the newlywed couple. “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Muniz!!! We love you both actuación exclusiva so much and it was such an honor to be part of your special day and celebrate your love!

With her new role Figura a mother, the Paraguayan model has been somewhat absent from social media, most likely to be entirely focused on caring for baby Muñiz Ferreira. However, she made a boda del hijo del hombre más rico brief appearance to show her followers a tender moment with her baby.

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